This is part of a series of interviews Asiae.co.kr is doing with G-Dragon. The other articles are here : Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.
So after raising awareness of their existence through "Real Docu Big Bang", a documentary showing the survival-style process of creating a skill-based idol group, Big Bang started preparing an album with the hopes of debuting in 2006. At that time, G-Dragon (Real name: Kwon Jiyong, 23) had no choice but to study for his college entrance exams and prepare his album at the same time, each of which is difficult enough on its own.
"'Singers are stupid, they're just puppets of their agencies'... I didn't like prejudices like that. I wanted to be a singer who could express his thoughts. President Yang Hyunseok thought the same, so he wouldn't let me practise if I didn't get over 80% in any school tests."
Even as he concentrated on practising, G-Dragon refused to become careless in his school activities and relationships with his friends.
"Like everyone else, I would cram at the last minute whenever there was a test. I would stay up the whole night the day before and then go to school the next day. I was too sneaky for my own good...(laughs). I didn't like how people think celebrities think they're too good to have normal friends, so I'd approach kids first and make friends with them. I acted like a bit of an idiot sometimes; I'd always pester my friends to buy me food too.”
G-Dragon, who could apparently seem like "a bit of an idiot" when he wasn't focusing on his work, was able to maintain a normal and healthy relationship with his school friends.
"During exam periods, my friends helped me a lot by lending me their notebooks and stuff. My teachers would always cheer me on about preparing to become a singer too, and my parents were so proud that I wasn't abandoning my schoolwork. For these reasons, even though it was hard at the time, when I look back on it I think I did the right thing."
Thanks to the help of many people combined with the effort of the members, they managed to debut successfully. But although they became so much more well-known after their debut, G-Dragon felt like his popularity wasn't his own.
"Because of our abrupt popularity so soon after our debut, there were a lot of people saying things like "it's because of the company" and "that just shows what the agency is capable of". Since it is true that no matter how talented the singer is, it's difficult for them to gain popularity if they're signed to a small agency. I was relieved to receive some spotlight after working in the industry for so long, but I thought to myself that I must never get too cocky.”
As a matter of fact, G-Dragon was actually worried about his sudden popularity as he had watched the ups and downs of the entertainment industry from a young age. After deciding that skill was the only way he would be accepted by the public and survive, he decided to become a harsh and criticising leader to his team.
Original Article
Translation by sjay.x @ BBVIP.net

Labels: News, Photos, Star Diary Series - G-Dragon